Saturday, May 9, 2009

Is real when i talk about love.

is geting far n so long dint hear ur voice n ur shoud that allways awake me when i was alone,i mis all the drama whn we still holding on,ur smile,ur touch,the way u look at me,thats felling is still strong n bright until today,i never wnt to do all tht thngs to u n i never reli wnt to hurt ur geting far n hard day now.i know tht u got ur life bck,n never needed my love anymore.but hte felling still inside me.from the start,now until forever it will be the same with no harmful.i will be here far inside ur heart if u needed me.find me there if still i m ur guardian everyday thnking of wht ur doing,with who u are singing,n with who ur share ur tears,to far for me to chase ur step n to far when i try to grabe ur just it never fell the same bcoz ur are not staring at me,when u walk a step farer from me i start to thnk ?y? u wnt to walk away from me?is it me the reason that ur are walking away n hateing hurt to kipt the felling that i alwys can lie about?i ask my self?do u rili care about it?istill caan figure it out,until now.whn i watch the clock a second and a second more ticking away n away i start to stare at ur pic n't gone to ends this way for my love.for me i wnt to run,run n run bcoz from running i know thts its can make me far away to hurting my soul..nothng to shame if u love someone just if u rili love that person pls avoid from all this:1,stop controling her bcoz she is not a child.2,stop shouting at her n stop always pointing everythng wrong to her.believe her when she say that she love n mis u.3,stop doingbad thing to her bcoz in the future she will hate it.4,love her right n give her space for her n her friends to get along bcoz her life is not 100% belong to u,she still got her everyday,5 beleive in wht she is tryng to do n always suport her dont matter if u evnt not agree.and last do trade her well bcoz in one moments she still needed u the most when she is alone on the ur cpl right n never make the thng that she always hateing it.thx for everythng, sbnrnye smua d atas xde kene dngn sape2 jew just remember someone that i love so deep in the past now she is gone just bcoz of me.sory for ur time..take care n i will be strong for everythng n thx for doing it?

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