Tuesday, September 8, 2009
back to reality
Thursday, August 27, 2009
my heart say:
Oooooh ooooh
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointin' out my wrongs
i never needed pain,i never needed strain.
My love for you was strong enough you should've known.
I never needed you for judgement
I never needed you to question what i spent
I never asked for help, I take care of myself, I don't know why you think you got a hold on me.
And it's a little in the conversations
There isn't anything that you can say.
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so look at me and listen to me because,
I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush
I never needed your corrections
On everything from how i act to what i say
i never needed words, i never needed hurt, i never needed you to be there everyday
I'm sorry for the way i let go
Of everything i wanted when you came along
But i am never beaten, broken, not defeated
I know next to you is not where i belong
And it's a little late for explanations
There isn't anything that you can do
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so you will listen when i say baby
I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush
No more words
No more lies
No more crying ooh ooh
No more pain
No more hurt
No more tryin' Oh Oh Yeah
I don't want to
Stay another minute
I don't want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don't want to
Do this any longer
I don't want you
There's nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush
Yeah Oh
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I've already spoken
Our love is broken
mungkin kecik,
hemm.let me tell u a litle bit about me? u can hurt me easly,even whn u are dont know u are doing it. mungkin hnye sy ternampk sesuatu atau terbace sesuatu,itu pon boley wy sy sdey.cpt terasa dan kuat emo.itular sy dri dulu smpai skrg bnde itu xkn penah berubh?emm.myspace? top fren?wow! i know u for 4years lar, tp..dieorg lg layak ke?hahahh
enthlar,xtaw lar,who m'i now?n i xtaw spe yg i tngh ckp?i wnt to be with someone but enthlar,is hard to know it?da jauh da skrg?i'm not turning back,u yg bwt semua ni.so xkn i plak yg kne terhegeh2.hujan2,sian mama. da 4ari niaga dlm ujan. emm.i elegic to rain now,xtaw npe mcm smlm kne ujan je bdn naik lar bngkak2.hemm.da mcm kambing.
emm.penat terjage mlm tiap2 ari terpikir kan sesuatu dan memikirkn masih sme kah hari esok ku?enthlar,i'm totlly confused right now?forget it at all,beron da,xtawlar pe yg aku tulis?tp nk tulis blog pkirlain tulis lain?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
i'm glade :D
selesai puasa ari ke-5 berpuasa.
i'm glade that i can help my mama berniaga kat bazar,baru aku merasa mcm mane peratnye org susah tolak roda tiga berniaga,hahahha mama kononlar gimek nk nampk cm old fashion tolak roda tiga,hahah uptular mamam,fitri tolong je. let me do all the heavy stuf u just sit down n relaks? mama tnye aik,dulu puasa2 pon kamu pg traning,np skrg mama da xnmpk kamu ptg2 ge training?emm.enthlar mcm mane nk jwb,stu kne gntong?pasal raja tu? scnd:xpyhlar train if fitri pg train spe nk tolng mama petng2 ni?lgpn i m quiting olahraga,spike oren tu da ade owg pon nk bli,is time to say gud bye to olahraga,this year i will ful time helping u at the kitchen,xpelar.kalau kite nk susah kite sush ank brnk sme2 oke?biarlar olahraga tu jd cume cita2 zman fitri budak2 dulu,lgpon lg bpe bulan je msti ade pecah record fitri da,heheh so lame2 org akn lupe muhd fitri b omar,
thx to u girl,finaly i phm,if kite cyg seseorg.kite xsemstinya bersama orgtu,emm.cptlar blik dri sungai petani tu,i kinda miss u,xtawlar pe perasaan ni.tp i btol2 wujud.xtipu.hemm.u make me understnd kite xboley selalu berlindung di bwh byg2 org lain.mungkin btol,kite xboley selalu membiarkn org mnyakiti kite.i'm glade i know u.thx f. . . ?
hemm.no more olahraga,sy nk berkerja bersunguh2 ramdahn ni,setakatni xdelar wonger2,xwujud kot taun ni,hehehehthx kwn2,thx alot for you suport! rajin2 dtglar lpk kt bazar ngn aku lg,mendap dowh! hahahaha selamt tingal olahraga,selling all my stuff, runing wears,spike,beg,tight mizuno kesyng aku,adisprint yg beli dri eyra,line7 lekat warne biru,adidas kesygn aku tali warne ijau putih,hahahah ksot 3kali johan msspk record! n 200m final kebngsaan kt peneng! hhahhaha
thx for reding,mis u all friends!
Monday, August 24, 2009
bulan puasa :D
hemm.xsangke gak da tige ari aku berpuasa,rase cm cepat sngt mase berlalu.taun ni berpuasa sorng2 xde da nk buke puasa kt mcd.heheheh kngn yg lampau,pnt sngt 3ari ni yelar pkol4 da nk bkak bzar 3ari berturut ujan ngn lebat,mungkin tuhan nk menguji kiteowg.mama ckp tu hujan rahmat,best sngt bile ade jiran2 berniaga,bile nk tutup je bertukar2 brg mkn.hahah wah sedap sngt2,penat sngt2.adui xtawlar nk wtpe lg dlm bulan puasa ni.busan sngt2. kdng2 sush sngt bile da sorg2 sngt ni,teringat dulu2.hey if u xcyg i n xboley terime i xpyh lie to me tht u miss n love me?xde ponit pon kan u wt cmtu,u lg hapylar skrg?xperlukn i pon. wah.penatnye berfikir kdng2 heheheh.da buntu xtaw nk wtpe n nk ckp pe da?biarjelar.up2u is ur life not mine. pnt da nk terhegeh2 nie cm berok je,cm bgos sngt? hahahah cam i ni xdeperasaan plak,adui busan dengn perangai awk,ikot ske awk lar,kalau sy boley je tlng awk n ingt kat awk npe awk xboly?sb awk ingt sy ni terhegeeh2 kat awk kn?adui dalar wak ikot ske awk lar,da pnt sy mencuba.btw selamat berpuasa n hope sihat sentiasa.nk demam mkn lar ubt oke!
smpai skrg sy xtaw ape yg sy nk sebernye dri idop sy?kdng2 idop ni rase cm sest sngt tnpe arah tuju?siapa sy?ape sy? hahah kdng2 rase cm enthlar mmg sy dilahirkn untuk disakiti oleh owg ke?knpe semua ni awk kne bg sy rase? pedih sngt smpai skrg?adui.. da xbest da puasa tahun ni,xtawlar nk pkir pe da.lntk lar.papeje.slmt berbahgia. selamt berpuasa :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
remaind me of someone
Wish I could keep you much longer
I know you gotta go cuz you got things to do
Now you to busy for me girl like I was to you
Wish I could stop by
And maybe say hi
Wish I could jus stop by
And lay by your side
The tables have turned
And I've finally learned
That this is makin up for every day I was gone
And that's why I'm concerned
But now it's confirmed
That you spread your wings and learned to fly all alone
Darkness in the night
I'll find that light for you
As long as I got eyes
I'll have a sight for you
Long as I am alive baby I'd die for you
I wanna be with you
Wish I could keep you much longer
I know you gotta go cuz you got things to do
Wish I could keep you much longer
Now you to busy for me girl like I was to you
Wish I could stop by
And maybe say hi
Wish I could jus stop by
And lay by your side
You're always on my mind
While I'm racin
While I'm paper chasin
You were there when I said one day I'd get up out that basement
Playin as my agent
For you, there's no replacement
You will always be my girl
And you can hold me on that statement
Darkness in the night
I'll find that light for you
As long as I got eyes
I'll have a sight for you
Long as I am alive baby I'd die for you
Wanna be with you
Wish I could keep you much longer
I know you gotta go cuz you got things to do
Wish I could keep you much longer
Now you to busy for me girl like I was to you
Wish I could stop by
And maybe say hi
Wish I could jus stop by
And lay by your side
Baby I know you
And how we do
Doin exactly what I taught you
Gotta get that money first
Before you come spend that precious time with your boo
And I know I gotta just take it
Even though it's drivin me crazy
Always wanted to see my girl make it
Wish I could keep you much longer
I know you gotta go cuz you got things to do
Wish I could keep you much longer
Now you to busy for me girl like I was to you
Wish I could keep you so much longer
Wish I could stop by
And maybe say "hi"
Wish I could jus stop by
And lay by your side
Wish I could keep you much longer
I know you gotta go cuz you got things to do
Wish I could keep you much longer
Now you to busy for me girl like I was to you
Wish I could keep you baby
I just wanna keep you longer
are u rili wnt to see me hapy?
shit? this is the second time i repeat typing this blog?the first one pnjng2 sngt2 tp tibe ilng semua?hemm.enthlar bnyk luahan yg i nk bgtaw kt u dlm page yg terpadam tu?tp da ilang.hem.. do u thnk that i m hapy now?after wht u sent to me and now?u event xreply msg i yg i antr kt u?kdng2 i kecewa ngn u?bile u msg n u perlukan bantuan n seseorg i pernah pon sekali biarkn u sorng2 n xhiraukn u?tp npe u xboley wt bnde yg sme kt i?np u xboley bersikap adil ngn i n perasaan i?hemm. u ckp u nk i hapy? am i hapy right now? whit what u are doing to me now? u ckp u jugak xnk tngok air mate i lg? is this the way u make stop ,my tears? u ckp u xnk i disakiti lg? adekah ini cre u nk i xdisakiti lg? u tell me somthng tht i want to know? u suro i cll,i cll sb i risau ade pape jd kt u?hemm.tp u? pe u wt mse i cll? btw i dngr semua yg u ckp,hemm.i diam mase tu sb i sedih sngt2 sb i sngke u cite lg semua ni kt i,n i miss tht momnts hemm. tp u? adekah u pkir bnde yg sme terhadp i? do u rili love me n miss me like u say? i wnt to know? np u cpt sngt dpt lupekn i? np u nk lari dri pd knyataan yg u pon xbloey lupekn i setelah pe yg kite lalui n pe yg kite da wt sme2? sekah u rase jln terbaik bg semua tu adelar berpisah,berjauhan ,lupekn n u cri lain? cmtu? are u thnk tht my love at u is that simpe? do u thnk my love on u is just like a blnk paper tht u can throu it whn u has done with it? m'i tht not valueble to u ? pnh u pkir pastu mcm2 kite laui n bwt? u buang i cmtu je? u xrase rugi?ble u bng pagi i da xde dlm idop u? pnh u pkir x ape i pkir mse tiap2 ari i nmpk u dlm kelas yg sme,dlm baris yg sme blkn i? pnh u pkir x skse menahn dri pd ber ckp ngn u? pnh u pkir pe i rase setiap mse? u ckp u phm pe perasaan i mse tu? ckplar pe yg u ckp u phm? if u phm i rase u msti xnk kite mcm nie dA?pe dosa i n slh i yg besar sngt smpai u hukum i dngn perpisahan ni? ckplar xcukup lg kew i kne fitnah ngn org2 luar sb u break dng i ialah? i kuat maen pompuan,i plok girl kat ckub? i tongang? i playboy? i curang? i yg tingalkn u? btol ke smue nie? bglar taw dunia? smpai bile dunia nk fitnah i? hemm.ckpje sb btol kite break ape? i pn teringin sngt nk taw dri u? hemm.u ckp je u bosan ngn i? n u ade owg lain mse tu? ckp je,knpe u nk biarkn owg buruk sngke n slh sngke kt i? hemm,jht sngt kew muhd fitri b omar ni? pe sbrnye slh i smpai u sngop bwt mcm ni?slh kew i bercinte n cyg u? dri form1 u lar yg selalu nye buat keputusan smua u je yg tentukan? u ckp break,kite break? u ckp kite cntc kite cntc,u wt xtau ,u wt xtau? u skiti i,u skiti i?kdng pnh u pkir x spe u sbnrye smpai u sngop menghukum i? tnpe memberi alsn yg munasabah? adekah i ni xlyk diberi peluang?setelah bnyk peluang yg i bg kt u dngn kesalhn2 lampau u?pnh i ambk ati ngn pe yg u pnh wt kt i?temasok u tipu i berulang2 kali?u nk i ungkit kew?hwmm.ckplar pe slh i smpai u suro i lupekn u? pe i wt? i cume nk ....hemm.xdepapealr? mungkin dulu i bdk2 tp bukan lg sekarg? u suro i pkir pnjng sblom bwt papepn tp u rase u pkir ke pe yg u wt skrg? xkn u xphm2 lg pe yg i rase skrg? pls.berhnti wt ati i mcm nie? u nk kte mcm ni smpai bile form5?smpai abis skola? smpai u kawin ngn owg lain dpn mate i? smpai kite mati? or smpai i pergi sebelom u bru u nk phm n nyesal? slh i ke i cyg u? u ingtlg x mse 121108 our anyvsary? pe uckp n jnji kat i? knpe u mungkir? knpe u tipu i? knpe u nk khianati i? y? knpe usng sngt dpt pngnti i? y? mmg u dicipta mcm tu kew? i tnye u ,u hapy kew? u tros ltk smpai arini u xreply i?thn u antr msg mepek2 suro i lupekn u n jauhkn dri dari u?pe maksod u?knpe u perlu wt smpai mcmni? knpe? pe i wt? mlm tu icll so? hemm.tell me? knpe kite makin lme makin terok n ilng dlm jln yg xde penyudah nye? we know tht we still each other so much? stop lying with our filling? hemm.u taw i ngh tngu jwbpn n msg u? stop trding me like a strngeR? who m i rili to u? i xnk lg kite mcm ni? i da xsngop nk sba ngn semua? ini bukan cubaan atau dugaan die? tp ini u yg wujudkn,pls dear stop hurting me n my soal? tell me pe yg u btol2 nk dri kite skrg? kwn? u tell me? i m waiting for u answer,pls berhent wt i kecewa ngn sikap u?i juge manusia biasa mcm u?buka mata hati u n berpikirlar mcm org yg matang n berperasaan,hemm. pkir juga perasaan i?smpai bile u nk tngok i cm ni n sedey je ? T.T
Thursday, August 20, 2009
3a.m in the morning
terjage je td,aku resah mcm nk tngok sesuatu,tp bile aku bkak?hemm.is nothng there? xde tntng pape yg aku nk taw. enthlaa.mungkin xpyh pkir da,die xphm ape yg aku rase n pkir skrg.
ku pejamkn mataku, kau hadir di sisi
enthlar,perasaan hampe ni muncul blik stlah sekian lame die ilang,tertido dri pkol 7.20pm td smpai 3pg dan inilar aku.
besok da akhir da,aku arap yg somethng will hapen in tomorow,or i never see her again..hemm.T.T miss that girl in my potrait. unlucky to know her with someone else....pnt .bngpon smte2 nk tunaikn hjat ati,tp kecewa.dalar nk smbg tido blik.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
sepi :(
tp aku masih diselubungi kesedihan yg mendalam di dalm aty ini,
aku xsuka perasaan yg dicpta oleh dunia,
kesedihan yg meliputi seluruh alam ku,
penipuan yg keluar dari bibir2 nye,
dan lakunan plasu seorng insan yg bergelar manusia.
semua yg diberi dan ditunjukan kepada ku adlar palsu,
hilang di masa aku memerlukanya, aku benci dngn jasadnya!
perjalanan yg gelap dihitung dari tubuh ku yg kecil,bergerak ke depan dngn melangkah,anak tanga yg kecil dngn perasan hampe aku rebah ditelan masa,kerinduaan dan cinta yg lenyap dri sisi ku,membuatkn aku membenci untuk terus bernyawa.
kerosakn diri sehari2 demi sehari cuba di cari,
penyeksaan yg ditingalkan oleh insan yg xpernah mengenang aku sunguh mengecewakn?
sdekah ini yg dipangil cinta sejati? ditingl lalu disakiti?
angung nya diri mu,melayan dan menhancurkan insan seperti ku?
teknologi perpetahhan aku berkata-kata terhnti di ruang mase bila kau bersma si dia?
kecelikan suara dan kelipan mata ku berhenti sejenak apabila melihat bungayg ditaman disambar kumbng itam,hati pilu dan terluka ibarat tertikam pisau hnga ke lubuk hati dlm.
kau buat ku rebah di hujung dunia yg gelap tanpa seberang cahaya,kau kejam.
hati ku xpernah ade cahaya atau d beri cahaya sejak ari itu,kau gelapkan pandangn dunia ku dengan sikap dan tingkah laku dunia mu.
aku hilang bersama sepi yg kau beri.
di tiup angin dingin hinga ke dunia kematian...
semoga itular yg kau impikan selama ini,
terima kasih kerana menghancurkan segenap harapan...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

hemm.at first moment u are being to kind to me but at the second moment i wakeup.u just gone just like all the thng yesterday hapen it just like a dream?
if u wnt people to trust u stop hurting people felling n life?
hemm.and i dont rili know if we are fren?bcoz at one moment we are and the next morning u just treat me like strnger to u? u are a good actor if u wnt to know?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
saturday morning :)
terguling-guling di ats katil ku yg besar.heheheh
memekirkan 2jam lg akn ke sekolah, perlhn2 ku turun dari katil ku,lalu menyelongkah almari ku untuk mencari bhn2 yg kwn2 ku suro.adui. semangat btol mamat poyo ni!
ku suro mamaku mengejotkan abh ku bngn supaya tidak lmbt ke sekolah.
tepat pukol 9pagi aku bergerak ke sekolah(konon) singah ke 7e untuk tpp dan reply msg2 smlm hari.
tibe2 terlencong ke kopitiam,abh ajk brekfirst dulu. duduk je di meja depan kedai .selpas mengoder,aku terlihat kelibat sebuah kereta putih dan insn didlm nye di trfik light di depan kopitiam owhh..rupe2nye die.... dalar.abh mule menguok2 aku.hahah
lpas je mkn abh terus antr aku ke sekolah,pedot telah menalifon ku berulang2 kali. kecoh tol lar.
pertandingn batik.mule2 semak gile xtaw nk lukis pe?tp penghujung stelah mencuri2 isea org lain ahahha kami brjaya,paan mengngu aku di dlm bilik seni lalu menyuap rojak ke dlm mulot aku ,aku mkn tanpe menyoal siapa yg bwk kerana terlalu lapa?pastu paan ckp nk lg ke pg mintak kat _ _ _ _?
hahah owh yekew xpelar,seganlar.
stlah siap batik aku blik ke kelas tp pe bile msk ke kelas aku melihat permandngn yg aku xske tngok,lantak kat hang lar.aku da x kesah sngt da.selaps ape aku dengar dri mulot org2 tu bru aku taw yg ang mcm ni?bhntilar oke.dalr.berfoya2!
kdng2 nyesal gak,xtaw plak mase kite sme2 dulu ang mcm ni?
dalar lantak lar ang boleh pikir kn?hahahah semoga hapy2 selalu jelar.
insiden pinjam stpler,emm. meor ckp nk stpler _ _ _ _ ade?no komen lar but thx oke.
u did a great job.
insiden aku tnye kotak pensel sape,xtaw plak die pnye? segan btol.
hbs je semua meor suro bdak2 pg bli mkn?nk bli cm mane semua bdak asrama kn?
aku pon pglar bli ngn epoi gigi,hahahaha cm mat rempit da pusng2 skali semua hbs,last2 bli kat ehsan je.lame sial tngu abh dah kol2 die da smpai dlm skola,
aku pon terbang lar blik lpas beli je.
smpai je semua kwn2 berbot nasi lemak n air sirap. aku xley lame sbb da jnji nk teman abh maen bowl aku pon slm2 bergegas ke kereta. dri 11 bungkos nasi aku hnye terima 9ucapan + aku 1 =10 ,hemm.1 lg xdihargai pon,rase mcm hampe.xpelar. mkn knyng2 k kwn.dush2 aku berjln ke kereta sedih skit.
smpai je umh mamam marybrown tros siap shoot ngn abh ge p8 hahah maen bowl 3game,first game aku mng,scond wan and third abh menag hahahaha. best plakk.
hehehe abs game abh ge tngok bola bowl?
nk bli kew?
hahahahahhhah dalr,arini best sngt tp mungkin adelar yg kurang hapy,biarlar kaw da besar pndai2 ;ar pkir n hargasi org sekeliling dari pd pandng selek kat kaw?
hahahah nk sttlekn masalah yg ade pastu nk idop tenang je xnk ade prob da nyesal da.hope ade org akn tolong kali nie.
mane die!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
hati riang:)
tergelak bersama wan unte,ashrn,paan dan cpng.
wan unte seolah2 ingin mengorek rahsia disebalik hati aku.terdiam terus melemparkan senyuman palsu yg dikirimkan daripada iblis ku.
terseyum ape bile terlihat die.dielar gadis yg membuat ku tertarik dan jatuh cinta kembli,walaupn tua ku setahun.kali ni aku akn btol2 berusaha untuk die.
sy akn cube phm,lgpn awk comel.izinkn sy melalui ramdhan yg sepini bersama awk,izinkn sy menyambut syawal bersama awk. sy perlukan seseorg skrg.
bunyi loceng berkumandang,berjln dengan hampe mensisiri tanga usang sekola ku,ternampak die.biarlar.
mengampiri pintu berlkng skola tibe2 berbunyi hon pon!pon!pon! rupanya wahai adikbrdik ku da n cikgu zack bersam kereta baru nya! woooohuu! jazz! tnpe rncngn aku imbrn dan wan menaiki kereta tnpa hala tuju selpasa membuat riuh bdi dlm sekola dngn memusing2 di tpk perhimpunan tnda ingin menjuk kerta bru nya,lalu kami keluar tnpe arh tuju tibe2 kami terasa lapa dan terus bergerak ke vageyy! wah mkn puas2 ckgu zck blnje!
thx bro u the best! mse blik aku imbrn menylk didlm kereta lagu,i don't wnt to close my eyse ,don't want to fall a sleep coz i miss u beb and i dont want to miss a thng!
hahahahah sakai.
blik umh trus tido,ape bile terjaga hujan turun dngn lbt,seakan-akan merindui seseorg.
perasaan mls di bls lar msg sofia mengajak aku ke skola ,pglar. sofia seorg adik agkt yg comel dan baik aty. cll shark,shrk ambik aku!
hahaha pergi ke umh afy semua da ade ke?
yup ,jum grak skola tngok org lari2 hahahah,jum.
bergeraklar sekumpulan kwn2 gile ke skola,
berlari2 penghujungnya dimengi oleh kelas 4k1 hahaha boring sial,rase cm nk lari je.tp mls da gemok!
dpt msg dri dy,tibe2 ati rase ingn mendekati nya.
hehehhe.pergi ke pasar mlm beramai2,tibe2 hujan turun dngn lebat.kami seakan2 lipas kudung berlari lar lintang pukang cam budak2 mencri mkn,lalu di beli aym dan rojak buah,berlari2 lg ke umh afy,da lmbt aku dan shrk blik dgn tongkang ex5 die.ahahah meredah hujan ibrt gay.sejuk sngt2 hahaha aku pelok shrk kuat2 mmg da mcm gay.
smpai umh,mama ckkp ge mandy nk kuar mkn kt kdai bru:simpang tiga!
hhaha taksub seprti biasa aku,abng wan dan abg yan dngn mini disko yg bru di kuarkn dri jpj hahahah da x tinted da.sian tp dlm da style gle vavi lether pnye seet rm2000 wah?!!!
dpt msg dri shasha,hey beb jgn ngs is just i blog this i wrote xde kne mgne ngn spe2 pn.iarlar xde owg hargai blogni.tp u phm.thx kwn2 tnpe korg aku x rase yg aku mampu brnfs dan boleh terus melangkah. thx.afy,shrk,shami,aus,shasha,my new nady love u so much! jgn hampe kn i oke. i'l try for u. thx kwn2 i love u all! enthlar xtaw nk tulis pe sjak due mnjak ni rungsing ade prob bsar sngt.nk sttle kn cpt dan nk hidup bebs! i miss u bb!
today i fill tht my soul finaly free, i'm hapy. i must dump all the pain that some freak leave to me.n i thnk as long that u are here with me i will be oke dear.thx.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
mendap :(
berguling-berguling punye berguling tngok2 da pkol 6.50pg.aku memutuskan untuk tidak pg ke sekola.sb pale otak terlalu rungsing disebabkn sesuatu. tidor smpai pkol 11.30pg.busan bngn bkk cmptr ngok cite sayng u can dance +a night at the mesuem2.smpai pkol4 lbh.pastu pg mandi kuar lpak umh makcik:( xtrain lg da msk 2bulan setengah aku mls train bdn da berat 5kg.enthlar sjak injurd rase mcm nk pencen lar dri sukan2 ni,nk lpak n enjoy je mase yg ade.pastu da pkol 6.30ptg aku ge umh afy lpak2 busan2 gak pastu jln2 lar kwsan umah afy smpailar tersesat kt mafia.adui busan.pkol 7.50 ptg blik umh.smpai umh pkak pc on9,x mandi pon.smpai pkol 9.30mlm suro adik pg bli burger lapo.mama suro book flight untuk pg sarawak blan 10 nie.mama ckp:mama tngok kamu taun ni da mkin mls nk pg skola?npe?ade mslh ke?
aku diam je xjwb pape.enthlar rungsing dngn seseorg nie. pastu mama tnye bsok nk mama bg alsn pe plk tulis surat nie?
hahaha aku ckp kt mama tulis jelar papepn. i filling sick of someone now. muak lar ,rase mcm xnk jumpe da pon ade?mls nk ...enthlar.saba eyh hati xlame da.. just relkx.
Monday, August 10, 2009
rungsing :(
sampai bile angin yg bertiup asyk ingin membwa kesepian.
smpai bile langit yg biru asyk ingin berselindung di belakng awan mendung,
smpai bila bulan asyk nk dibayngi kepanasan yg ditimbulkn oleh matahari?
dunia berputar ikot paksi yg berbeza skrg,manusia mempunyai pandngn yg berbeza2,
begitu juga aku setelah lame menghitung hari,rupanya madu yg ku tungu x lar semanis dulu,ia hnyelar sebuah ubt yg pahit yg aku xkn pernah tahu rasenya selgi aku tidak menelan nye.
seseorg yg makin hari membuat aku makin muak dngn perangai yg ditunjukkan di depan mate ku,seolah2 pelakon yg ingin mencari perhatin semua org,just be your self and stop acting like a dumb child. if u like to stay like this and make a shit of our future coming life,oke suit you. i try everythng to get close to u?but what u give me is a pain and over acting drama thats child makes.
i don't rely know wht hapen to u?
tp tiap2 ari nampak bnde yg sme kdng2 rase muak pon ade nk trus berada di sekeliling anda?
arini xtaw asl rungsing sngt,mungkin rungsing ni xbersebb,mungkin aku lg hapy kalau semua memori dihitamkan dan hard disk kepala ku di format semula agar aku xmengenali kamu,
kerana jika terus mengenali pon ape guna kamu mewujudkan persengketaan dan ego yg terlampau-lampau tingi smpai sy pon xtaw spae sbrnye awk?
but some time my heart screaming this: i wish that i could cry,up upon my knee.
i just want to find the better part of me,but is hard for u.
i'm tired of being a shadow,i want to get free now and get my own sunshine,yar maybe xslh berkawn dan hidup lebih sosial skrg,i learn it from you.
rungsing sngt2 smpai kdng2 rase mcm nk pejam je mata supaya dpt melupakn sejenak tntng dunia yg menyedihkan ni.
awk da besar pndai2 lar awk pikir,sy nk tngok sejauh mane kadar kematangn awk berfikir.
enjoy the drama that u make. :D
Sunday, August 9, 2009
hahah pkir2 blik lawak je smpai tu je hbng nye.
hehehhe.mungkin ade sb semua nye berlaku.arini dengan rela ati da n nekad ati aku,aku da buang bnyk bnde dri blik dan kotak bintang. bnyk sngt kngn yg telah di buang arini.mybe aku xkn nyesal sb aku da nampak,xde pon die ingt.hehehhe lupekn kelar makai bnyk gile smph2 yg aku kumpul dri mule knl die smpai arini?
terlampau bnyk,ade tee shirt bilo,ade jacket oren, ade gmbr2 ,ade surat2 lame2 hahahah.bin.. ape enth lupe da.
bile bce balik lawak plak da.time pasing so fast even i don't evn know tht he is leving me far a step farer from the realiti,hehehehhe.
pengkhianat cinta,pnt nye arini da mcm minah indon asyk kemas je.
ptg lpak ngn adik berdik angkt lar mcm biasa,afy,aus,shark,fairoz,pian,shahril,qaz hahahaha
da mcm org gile lpak kat rufaqa jerit2,hahahah mase tu ujan lebat.
blik naek moto 3org shrk bwk,sory wei terpthkn blog dpn moto hahaha moto kaw usang sngt hahahah, i hope tht we will be friends forever tanpe korg aku xmampu lakukn nye sorg.thx guys.
biarlar cinta aku xde kesudahan .hrp2 korg dpt penghujungnye. fairoz,afy,aus,qaz selamat berbahgia dengan cinta.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
susah kew?
is't hard to do it?
hemm.u know i'm waiting for somethng from u right?
berguling2lar gak mlm tuu.
tp ape yg sy dpt?
xdepapepn. mungkin inilar kowt.
die xkn phm ape yg ade kat dlm nie.
xde pe yg menarik berlaku arini.cume pg j.j ngn wan aku lar.
kite owg smpai jj pon dakol 3,
busan td ah yee dtg umh mkn nasi.
and popo bru lpas opration mata so aku kne jage die kejap.
so pg jj jln2 ngn wan,meor ngn mamak,cam gay je aku ngn meor?
teringn sngn kenal dng sorg pompuan ni,tp akrnye aku melupkan hasrat tuu.
blik lar pkol 6 awl gile xpnh2 blik awl cmni,smpai umh mama ngn abh nk pg bukit merah mls lar ikot,baik duk umah jage popo,
dlm pkol 7 tu pglar umah afy lpak2 jap nk blajar guitar skit,
thx afy sb kaw aku da dpt lg peter pan tu,ngan intro wait for you. ngah nk blajar lagu kerispatih-tapi bukan aku ngn so sick neyo,sush sial!
hahahah tp papepon thx sb ajar aku,abs mengelecek tngn aku.
mlm ni xde jugak da 2ari lpas msg tu idhntr tp xde reply,xpelar phm.
org kat sne.
dalar,lupekn je.
die xingt aku pon.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
jwpn untuk awk :D
jwbpn sy ialah terdiam lbih bgos.
die tnye knpe lpasakn awk? jwbpn sy kerana i'm not the best in your heart.
ashrn,sy? mereka x berhenti berckp tntng awk arini.mendesak sy menegor awk?walaupon jrg xsmpai 1kaki tp enthlar?
mampukah sy buat demikian?
jwbpn nye x?krana sy xkn tau ape reaksi awk?mungkin awk xske.
ego sy da pon pecah krna sy lmah menceritakn semua ni pd awk?
arini mate sy xpnh lekang memndng awk smbil mnyanyi lgu kite lame2?sy dpt rasekn yg arini ari terakhir sy tngok awk,
mase awk trun tnge sye rase mcm ade sesuatu yg aku pg dri sy,sy tngok awk dri ats dan sy nmpk awk pndg juga ke ats apabila ati sy nk melambai awk,awk hilang dri pndngn sy.
hemm.ingt td hujan?
ape yg awk ingt tntng ujan ini?
entahlar ape yg berlaku pd sy sejak due menjak nie,asyk teringt kisah kite dulu2,mungkin kah ni rindu?
enthlar,sy xtaw ape perasaan awk sbnrnye skrg?
adekah kite mash kenal stu sme lain?
mereka selalu menceritakn tntng awk?
dan tnya knpe sy bersikap begitu dingn bile nmpk awk dng.......semua.
jwbpn nye ialah sb hati ni pnah menhn persaan skit tu shinga skrg die da xsde persaan itu lg die seolah2 kebas disuntik bius.walaupon sy sdy dan xske.tp itular awk.
dieorg ialah sb awk tertawa kembali,teruskn kegembiraan ni.dan jng pernah biarkn diri awk dilukai lg.
sy mengu sbnrny sesuatu dri awk smlm,tp hp tidak berbunyi walaupon da lame di pegang.awk xmuncul2,
pedagangn? hahahah.sy nk sngt awk jwb sy xphm.mungkin sy akn pndng awk dan terngnkn ia nye,sb mase tu sy tngah pndng awk dri belakang,tp tbe2 awk berdiri lalu sy berpling ke arh lain apabila ade laki yg sy kurang gemar mendekati awk,
harap di sne u will play all u can is final,
hope die ade untuk teman awk di sne.hope awk akn terus tertawa bersama die,
sb sy nmpak rata2 ade name die kini.
mungkin dielar faktor awk gembira.taniah.
sy nk sngt dngr suara awk lg,
awk phm kn..
jage diri elok2 jng smpai dikecewakn lg.
hope fifi pon ikot.jage dy untuk sy.
hemm.jika jumpe laut cmpakn rantai tu,
mungin dngn cre tu sy akn pergi lbh jauh dri awk,
maafkn sy walaupepn slh sy pd awk.
da lame sngt smpai sy da lupe sb kite jd cm ni.
harap2 senyuman itu awk akn bawa selamaya sya gembira tiap pg,
bila awk tersenyum riang sb dngn itu sy tahu yg awk da berhnti mngis dan da berjaya kuar dri kepompong awk,
sekian dri sy.
tngok smbngn eiffel i'm in love, tajuk die lost in love.
if xjumpe ngok dlm youtube.
i m watchng ur pic while i m writing this note.
i miss u alot,
no want can be u,
n for me no one will replace u.
gud luck,and take care.
i'm waiting for somethng.
gud nite dear.
ketulusan hati fitri:D
ini khas untuk awk,memndngkn awk akn pergi jauh besok dan mungkin dlm bpe ari ni sy xboleh curi2 tngok awk lg.ini untuk awk.. <3
ketulusan ni hadir dari pd sy,muhamaad fitri bin omar setiap stu butiran yg ditulis arini kuar dri aty sy selpas hampir 8bulan menyimpan nya.
maafkn sy sebelom ape2 dimulakn,thx i know deeply in your heart u are just the same person i know from the first day i step into ur life until now u are just the same girl i know?
i know deeply in u still have a litle piece of me?
i still can figure the reason wht just hapen in our relatinship y we breaking off??
i can deny the fact that i,mata sy selalu memndng awk walaupon mungkin awk xperasaan tp mate ni xkn penah lekang dri memandng setiap gerak geri awk,tertungu sesuatu berlaku dri awk,sy menungu langkah pertama awk untuk mengucapkn sesuatu.
tetapi lpas smlm perasaan sy makin kuat?
mcm perasaan yg hilang dtg blik tnpe sb?mungkin sb pndngn rindu sy?
awk msh wujud dlm stu udara yg sy hirup kite berkongsi bermcm2 bnde terlampau bnyk sngt bnde yg kite da lalui,tp mungkin die lbih lyk dri sy.
xpi die xmungkin mengetahui awk lbh dri sy.
sy xrase yg ade org lbih tahu tntg awk selain sy.
maaf sy tetap org yg awk kenal dulu,mahkluk tuhan yg sukar bersama owg lain,sy x setabah awk walaupon cpt ade pgnti.
tp bkn sy,ia akn ambil mase tiga thun juga utuk melpsakn semua.
sy bukan lar seseorg yg sng mengungkapkn sesuatu,tp tetap org yg kentot merata2 yg awk knal,kuat mkn,kuat gelak dan seseorg ys selalu xphm awk.
pnh awk pkir knpe awk dikongkong sy?enthlar.ade sb sndiri mungkin.
sy tngu msg dri awk smlm,xtdo smpai pkol 3 tp sia2 xde pape yg berlaku,mungkin btol xkn ade bunyi kalau kite bertepok sblhtngn.terima kasih.
rindu fifi sngt2 sme mcm rindu awk.
awk sepadan ngn die,harap kekal lme.
harap die dpt jage awk baik2,n xmcm sy?
sy xpnh phm awk,dan sy penipu?
puasa thun ni,awk smbt ngn die.raye ngn die?
bkn lg sy,bkn lagi kite berbuka kat mcd.bkn lagi di situ kite tertawa,2010 nk dkt hope die akn menyanyi utok awk,hrp die lg sweet dri sy.hrap die juga sngop lakukan segala2nya tok awk.
jage dri elok2,
harap2 awk igt 1211-mkn mp,wyng,jln2 ,smbng2,sedey2,gado2,mkn2,
n hope ingtlg,keny roger,gmbr yg ade eiffel,merpati,open house.
ingt farid kamil,ingt beowolf,ingt mase awk gelak,
rindu mase kite nyanyi2,rndu mase kite tumbuk2.
awk sensetif kat tengkok,awk seorng yg kuat mkn,seseorg yg suke menulis,teh o laici pelik tp sy da ketagih semua sb awk,seseorg yg gemok sekarg,ingt mase mandi ujan,ingt mse gelak2 kat umah makcik,seorg yg sensitif,stu lg awk xske msg sngt tp sy pakse,
ingt tiap2 ari super saver tp emmmm.
kongsi2,xpnh berkira kuat tido,smngt yg kuat. seorg yg baik tp sb sy awk.........
terlampau bnyk sngt bnde yg sy nk ckp kt awk tp xberpeluang kerana hati sedih tiap2 ari bile nmpk awk bersama.......
ini sy,dan xmungkin ade yg dua.
harap awk ingt semua tntng sy,smpan fifi elok2,hidup dngn ceria,simpan rntai tu,gmbr2 kite,cerita kite.
gp,gud luck. i'm here if u neded me.
tp sy xarif tntng permainan awk sb kite dri dua dunia yg berbeza selamanya.
die lar yg terbaik,stu dunia yg sme.
semoga berbahgia..amin.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
takut T.T
mcm2 yg aku nampak tentang mati td.
aku dijemput bnda misteri sbnk tiga kali,hemm.setelah sedar aku rase tkot sngt rase mcm nk mengis dan nk pelok seseorg.
perasaan yg di tingalkn oleh mimpi tu sunguh aku xnk lalui lg.
hemm.aku xnk mati lg,terdpt bnyk sngt bnde yg aku nk lakukn sblom mati,
hemm.aku da mule sdr,mungkin itu pertunjuk oleh tuhan ingin ku berubah.
hemm.mati adelar perkara yg pling aku takot dan gerun.
pnh sesekali aku terserampak dngn nya tp terselamat.
lemas di bukit merah swaktu berumur 11thun,
excident moto,form2,3, dan yg terbaru 4 yg hampir mencacatkan otak aku sblh kiri,
tidur bkn lagi kawan baik ku,
dulu aku tidur agar dpt berjumpa kamu di dlmnye.
tetapi bkn lg skrg,tidu membwa ketakutan terbaru kpda diriku.
ku ingin kamu untuk berkongsi,ku rindu kamu untuk menyanyi.
click5-hapy birthday, kekasih yg tak diangap-kertas
itu semua untuk kamu,hemm.aku xnk mati lg.
aku takut sumpah.. T.T
kepalsuan senyumanku:D
setiap langkah dan padngn ku yg hampa terhdp dirinya,
kepuraan dan kehampaan yg terkndung dlm hati suda memberontak untuk dilpaskn,
senyuman palsu dan lakonan serta penipuan yg aku bina trlampau bnyk untuk menutup duka hati,inikah yg dikata kan kebahgian?
aku menipu diriku dngn kepuraan yg ku cipta tnpa belas kesihan kepada hidupan yg bergetar digelar hati,
x,menipu adelar jln terbaik untuk terus berda di situ melihat kamu,
kesayuan hatiku tidak dpt lg dibendung bila terlihat kamu,
ingin ku tegur tp jrk mu terlalu jauh untuk di capai,
berulang alik ku menatap wajahmu yg pernah menyakiti hati ku,
tp kemaafan telah lame wujud bg diri mu,
inilar penyesalan bg diriku,bile lihat lyng2 ku pegang disambar petir kilat,
kaca yg ku pegang erat,akhrnya pecah di tngn aku sndiri,
dan hati yg ku jaga ,pecah berderai seribu kepingan.
itulah kamu.
segalanya tertulis di sini,kekalutan mase dan berjauhan tempat,membuatkan kite lupa antra ilusi dan realiti.semuanya terbuku oleh kerana keegoan manusia terhadap perasaan nya,
aku pon slh sorg darinya.
lebih mementingkan ego dan pdngn mata ku.
biarlar kamu di situ ,aslkn ku tahu kamu bahagia.
dan ku tahu kamu masih kamu.
senyuman ku stu kepalsuan yg ku cipta untuk menyimpan duka di dalm yg sdgn memberontak untuk mencari jln keluar mncri dirimu,ibrt jauh ku berjln tp xde pengujung.
tetapi ku msh mencoba kerana dunia tiada penghujung untuk manusia trus menungu,atau pon melpaskn?:D
biarlar tawamu meberi ku segala jwbpn yg ku tngu dari diri mu,
biarlar gmbr mu menerangkn kehidupan yg kamu jlni,
dan biarkan suara mu memberi tahu ku kisah kehidupanmu.
jaga diri elok2 cinta,kerana ku xmungkin mahu dirimu disakiti lg.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
penat 2ogos2009:)
mak ai,kalah owg nk kawin poyo je aku.mase aku ,abng yan,abg wan n abng erman dlm kete mini disko kepunyaan abng yan,kite owg nk cptlar pg umh uncle sb da lmbt ni,abng yan trus bwk laju menuju ke highway! tidak smpai je selekoh nk coner dpn wira jay tu kite owg kne thn ngn jpj ,mule2 bang yan ckp camni habislar kite man jpj ade blkng,abng yan pon berhenti lar kete.dlm ati aku hbslar.dalar tinteed,sound sistem,dvd plyer,mikerofone polis dlm kreta,lampu disko keliling kete,and gear tngn! kantoi! hbslar mini disko nie!lpas bpe minit ckp2 kite owg pon kne sman,nsb die x check dlm,kne sman sb teented je! mak ai,aku da cuak kne tolak kreta nie!cam gmpang!mapos lar kite kteowg ske aty lar kiteowng nk wtpe nk die abng aku bkn duet bapak kaw! budo! pasjetu kite owg truskn perjlanan msk je kete abng yan gelak die ckp,ni sb hng lar fitry! aik aku plak hahahahaha,smua gelak.
smpai je sne kiteowg trus mkn dulu sb lpas tu kne keje jd flower boy,adui sdey je.
hahah xpi xpe rmai adek brdik ad kt situ,heheh.kerja2 smpai lar ptg nk pkol 4 rehat jap,dato ali smpai kite owg slm2 die,nk dkt berjam2lar gak,tngok da pkol 5,30 bang yan ajk blik.elok lar gak kau da berlngas2ni ngn smpin senget nye! adui!
hahah kami dpt curi bnyk cekelat fererero rocher adelar dlm 60biji hahahah! ganas!
smpai je rumh aku cdng nk tulis blog tp internet cam gmpang!
mama pon blik die ckp siap cpt tman mama pg sua rasa adui hahaha,
sentel je,smpai je sne wah!! rmai sial owg.abh parking dpn parkson.hhehheeh bjet btol nk vip lar konon abe11 nie.
hahahah kite owg jln2,jln.pastu ank sdare aku sorng ni,pompuand die duk gado pakcik blikan lar balon aku pon pglar cri balon,da smpai aku tnye kkk nk yg mane.die jwb kkk nk yg pink tuu yg helo kitty hahah,bli je lar maklumlar bdak 5taun,trbng rm4 aku.heheh
xpelar bdak2.
lpasje tuu kite owg ge mkn cha keo teow ngn lamb chop wah sedap sial,mama2ku sibuk pilih baju aku da xtaw nk wtpe ashik tersepit je tngh2 dioerg adeke tnye aku bju kurung tu mane cantik?beron je aku.hahaha
aku pon pau abh rm10 nk bli sliper bru hahahahh cantik gak!
tpat pkol 10 kitowg pon blik,penat dah xtaw nk wtpe so aku tulis lar blog nie,
arini aku nampak sorg girl ni sweet sngt,aku trus teringt kat seseorg?
sumpah rindu die,
i wish that in her heart she also fell what i fell about her now,
i just can hide the fellings of missing somone so deeply,i mis her :D
dalar semua nye da xde,lupekan je hhehehhe
sing with me :D
i hope u love it too,
Oh baby we can fight like dogs we can fight like cats
a dirty laundry needs a laundry man
maybe the king and the queen should lay off the caffeine
baby breathe before you react
sometimes we do forget to behave
and we regret what we say
cause words are too weapons
if we don't choose'em carefully
ladies and gentlemen this is instrumental
if life's to be a bed of roses
i know i gave you everything you like
because you still give me butterflies
if we just try try tryjust to be ni-ni-nice
then the world would be a better place for you and I
if we just live our lives
putting our differences aside
oh that would be so beautiful to me
Are we just dangling in the middle of a galaxy
Well i'm stoked on gravity
To be stuck with you like flowers on the dew drops
Now let it in my direction
My direction is up when everybody's down
cause i don't mind being anybody's clown
I love a little lift cause i'm an optimistic
In an altruistic way
Cause basically this place is needing instruments of harmony
Spreading my philosophy of love and inspiration
Oh these words I speak I commit to like a crime
with a rhythm i deliver i'm giving them a picture
of the reasons whyWe should just try try try
Just to be ni-ni-nice
So the world could be a better place for you and I
If we just live our lives
Putting our differences aside
Oh that would be so beautiful to me
well it wouldn't cost a penny but could save so many lonely lives
from teary eyesif we just try try try
to open up a can of understanding open up your heart
i'm just planting seeds
cause i believe
We could just try try try
Just to be ni-ni-nice
So the world would be a better place for you and I
If we just live our lives
Putting our differences aside
Oh that would be so beautiful to me
if we could try, just to be nice
hat could be so beautiful to me
I believe,Oh that could be so beautiful to me
imisssomeone damn much:(
Thursday, July 30, 2009
a small piece of u.
and i dont rili know what am i? and who am i rili are?
what is this felling rili are when i watch all the drama made infront of me?
is this love?or is this the felling of messing someone?
when i wake up from my dream,i know one day this days will ends soon when we are much beter grower one day?
one day we'll never see each other again,and i was dreamig that school ends in a year?
and we will have our own ways?are the world just spining like it use to be?
sometime i ask what about me? do u know what i fell?
and sometime i say to myself it nver mean anything for u?
music just playing non stop with all the memories flys away,u alwys sang that song to me?
and i guess i'm listening like a tape recorder plyng non stop.
it's not easy to only watch the person u love everyday witout talking to it?
but i thnk thats the best for life,STRANGER is what i call my name now?
ur pic,knowing everythng about u by reading?that is the stupites thing i ever thing of,i still belive that i fate will change in times,i conseder nothng hapen to us?
to many thng hapen and i wish when i have problem ur be here as a friends to share it?
and when i m crying ,u will lend a hand for me to hold or maybe when the rain storm coldly u will come and hand me a jacket so taht i wont get could?
i'll try to shut the memories out?but guess what it never work?
i never be stronger than u?
and i nver can do it like u do?coz were just the same person but our life difrent,i hope that our hearts knows what rili hapen to us and i hope that time will never separate me from......
i hope that i figure out what to do,and i hope that we wound lie to our felngs coz oneday we will regrate to hate and to lost the person we love the most,i m felling it right now?but i hope the new guardian will protect and give u all the love that u needed now,i hope that he is not a jerk like a person that use to love u before. some teddy bear missing u alot and she says to me she will totolly beging u come back now?she rili2 wanted u in her empty life.
i read all the old notes u give me,pink book,a destroyng paper that i stold from your test pad,ur training book that u leave to me.ur phot,ur gift and many more thngs that i had from u.i make my eyes sweating all along,maybe i do miss about u.i admide it i m weak.
i was stalker u today and i dont rili know what i wnt from u today?
but the truth is i just can do it alone.
i hate when u do it.i hope that u know that my heart is screaming right now?and i dont know to who i want to share my prob and my sadness?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
your the best :D
mama msok ke bilik aku ngn bwak bermcm2 ubat da,aku pon xtaw nk mkn yg mane da.pastu tbe abh dtg.abh ckp nah mkn due biji ni pastu pg tido.aku ingtkn lpas mkn ubt tuu pg tdo elok lar.rupe2nye bsok ari jumaat langsong xboley nk bgon.heem.bdon ku pnas megeletar,mata merah seakan2 org isap gam,tangn dan kaki bengkak.mase tuu ape yg aku pkir?mati...ni mesti aku da kne H1N1 atau chikukunyia. mama blik dri kedai die bwk blik bnde yg aku pesan.air kelapa fresh ngn roti chese hotdog.emm.aku ingt reda lar skit lpas aku mkn je bnde2 tuu semua,aku minth blik ape yg dieorg smbat kat aku.phit gle dng rase ubtnye!!
smpai lar ptg sbtu tuu aku xthn pastu abh ckp tungu abh blik kite ge hospital.
selpas lame lar gak tngu abh pon blik.abh ckp jom pg hospital.
sebok2 pg ambk mama wan,thn dieorg nk pg gm shoping?aku ngh skit depe nk pg shoping lg?
thn abh pon ckp xpe kite pg bdue da lar.sesempai je kt hospital terdpt beribu org beratur.makai smpai pglar tngu ni,
!!!!!!!!! tbe2 aku terdngr bunyi polis tngh kejar sorng mamat india ni die nk cube lari dri petrol car,sb keesokn harinye die ade hukuman gantong sb kes dadah die nk lari,kuat sial 5polis die sorg pon xdpt hlng die last2 polis pakai eltrik shock die,die pengsn pastu trus smbt dlm petro car.hbs cite tuu! smbng cite aku.
hahahah smpai je kat dlm hospital abh trus ambk pas hospital die,ahahhh!
lupe abh kan president ahli lembga hospital so aku pon dpt lynan kelas pertama vip hahahah.
aku kesian dngn beribu2 org yg dtg tp last2 aku yg x bertur ni msk cmtu je trus ade doktor lyn,wah! ur the best abh,my abh alwys give the best for his sons,die xpnh bg ank2 die bnde or kmduhan yg cikai2 sb abh xske org pndg selek ank2 die,walaupon die tau kdng2 ank die bnyk wat mslh.
emm.smpai je kat dlm tuu.doktor tuu suro aku bkak bju?
adui sgn sial,die pon msk ape bnde enth kat tinge aku,ase pns je dlm tinge.pastu die ambk degupan jantung aku.
hemmmm.last skali.bab yg paling aku xske.die nk cucuk ambk darah aku!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! mule2 aku ckp kat anh suro ckp kt doktor xpyh cucuk bole.last2 abh ckp,cube kamu tngok bdak kecik tuu relaks je kne cucuk,owh die cbar aku die ckp lpas cuuck kamo oder lar kamu nk mkn ape,hahaha aku pn cuuck lar.mule2 die belek2 urat tngn aku,die tnye asl bnyk sngt urat,pg mamposlar nk cuck bnyk2 tnye plak aku dalar tngh skitnie!
die pon xpkir pnjng cucuk dkt perlipatan tngn aku,aku dpt rase kn yg jarum tu msk dlm tngn aku bile aku toleh aku nmpk darah aku kuar pancut2 hemmm.mase tuu aku mule lar rase nk pengsan n nk termuntah slmt aku gigit jacket aku td!
lpas je cuck abh bwk sample darah tuu pg mane enth,aku tertngu2 dng persaan risau,enth apelar pnykt aku.
hemm.20mnt pastu abh ckp .kmu kne thn wad shri bsok bru bley kuar.rup2nye aku kne deman virus ape enth lpas mkn ubt n rehat kat hospital shri eloklar.
xde ckp bnyk aku ikotje.
aku ingtlg mse dulu aku msk hospital ade seorg yg sngt ambk berat kat aku dtg ngn papa die,die nangis dpn aku,hemmm.kat mane die skrg?when i needed her the most?
hemm.forget it.die da xde.
so aku xbgtaw sape2pn cite ni.aku nk idop berdikari.alhamdulillah skrg aku da okey skit da,
thx to abh sb selalu sediakn yg terbaik also somethng kitowg slalu skitkn aty die,
ready dato omar family, our family vacation 9,10,11,12 oktober! sarawak island! tido ats laut!
kemungkinan abh ckp if die dapat tender n die pnye bisnes yg bru die asaskn tuu berjln lncr,stu family ge china! yeay!!
biar kite susah dulu same sbe prob yg kite ade skrg,tp our family is geting beter evryday.n i hope abh dpt tnder tuu,amin!
i hope tht i see ur smile tomorow,so that i know tht u are oke,4ari da since u gone.
onemore thnk,thnk god sb aku msh hidup,aku ingt pnykt tu truklar.thx. xnk cucuk2 da xske!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
sekelip mata :D
pg2 lg aku da mempunyai perasaan yg same tiap2 ari aku rase.
tp xpe da biasa da hadapi ni sorg2 sjak arituu.
pg2 da kne derma rm1 kat zumeme sb xde kad matrik.bgjela spe suro aku xde.
smpai kelas aku terus pg blkng.tngok ats meja sorg kwn aku ni.ade sbuah novel yg brtajuk "bukan diriku".wah.mcm bestnye.x diduga plak aku akn kusyuk mmbce novel ni.mule2 aku xphm cite die.cite die mcm nie:
ade seorg bdak name azran brhjrah dri kerteh,terganu untuk duduk ngn fmly die kt k.l. thn bersekolah d pandan high scholl.setibanya d sane dia tertarik dng seorg perompuan yg bernama maryam.memliki perwatkn yg alim ,sopan dan juga pnlong ketua kelas.lame kelamaan die jto aty pd pmpuan smpai lar die mngetahui perngai sbnrnye maryam ni.di brubh oleh kerana keretakn fmlynya.mkin hari mkin pudar gadis yg alim itu di dlm dunia yg kotor,die merokok,melakukn maksiat dan mcm2 lg.azran dan mrym rpt shngalar pd stu hari ni azran dijemput ke stu mjlis arijd yg diadkn oleh seorg ank dato yg bernama beego,tnpe pengtahuan azran rupa2nya maryam hnye mempermainkn persaan nya rupa2nya dia berpacaran dngn beego tuu tetapi di tetp merahsiakn dri azran majlis arijd tuu bertukar dng pergaduhan di antara beego dan azrn.2mingu gaklar azran xpg skola oleh kerana luka2 dan lebam yg dihadapinya.azran xtau mcm mane nk berhadpn dng maryam.mereka belajar di kelas yg same.pd mlm itu mrymtelah melukkn nya dngn kata2 dan maki hamun.
:D sory boley cite smpai tuu je nk taw lbh lnjut bce lar novel"bukan diriku" penulis die "camry hj yusuf"
smbng cite aku,pd mase rehat aku pg ke dewan nk jumpe afy ngn member2 lain,mereka ngn practise untuk perform besok untuk sketsa.aku duduk kt piano skola.tbe2 dtg mai main piano.aku terkejut sbnrnye bile die main piano tuu sb aku mcm tertarik ngn org pmpuan yg reti main piano,bunyi lagu yg dia main sunguh merdu smpai lah mase tuu aku ckp mai can u play"wait for u".hemm.
tbe2 die memicit piano tuu.bergema lar lgu wait for u..
jantng aku terbhnti skjp sb teringt kat seseorg.
xlame tuu aku ckp mai bley ajar i intro wait for u x,heheh i nk blaja main piano ngn u bley.thn die pon tnjuk lar.
hahaha so nice of her.aku da reti main intro wait for u,thx to mai.
lpas je tuu aku tngok jam da pkol 11.10am aku pon blik kelas.smpai je kelas xde cikgu.lupe yg sport sc xde ckgu 2mngu adui.xpelar.aku pn duduk lar kt dpn berkoba2 nk smbng bce novel td blik..
xhbs pon bce smpai muka surat 236 loceng berbunyi hbs wktu perdgngn.dngn berat aty mcm aku nk tngor seseorg aku pon kuarlar kels.berjln blik.aku nmpk die.nk je say hi.but......
emmm.xdepelar.jlnlar aku trun kat port kiterog lalu kitowg pn blik lar bermai2.ptg mndong sngt dieorg ade ajk ge skola tp aku tertido dri kol3,30 smpai 7.30 td.aduiya da 3ari trut2 cmni.da gmok pn.smbng nk trainlar nk pindahlar xbwt 11.6s mcm mane nk pg melaka ni.da jnji ngn dieorg kn?
hahahahaha.nanti2lar.nk rehat seckupnye dulu.mental msh down.oleh kerana seseutu sbb,
so harini ini jelar kisah idop aku yg bosan,tp maybe ade sesuatu akn terjadi just wait.
da xde pape yg tingal.yg ade hnyelar kngn.novel tuu ckp kalau kite nk lupakn seseorg,kite knelar memaafkn die.so if kite btol2 cyg kn die kite kne lpaskn die supaya dia btol2 dpt mencari kebahagiaan die,dan kalau dia pon ade perasaan yg sme terhadp kite suatu ari nanti die akn dtg blik kt kite,kalau ade jodoh xkemana.percayaknlar kpda cinta sejati :D
die ckp cm2 hahahah.yer2 je.dalar.da pkol bpe nie gud nite.thx for reading.
gud luck :D and have a nice trip :D
Monday, July 20, 2009
Roda :D
kdng2 cinta dtng ngn pergi,owg yg cyg kite sekelip mate berubh ahti.dunia burubah hnye dngn sekelip mata?sape yg dpt halang?
xde sapepn yg mampu memberhrnti mahupun memutar waktu :D
semua da tertulis ikut suratan tkdir.
spe ckp xskit ble tngok,sakit yg teramat-amt sbnrnye.
cumkesabaran je yg menjadi tunjang kehidupan skrg.
berjauhan adelah jln terbaik bkn nk lari,cume spe thn?
terpakse lar kejar cita2 sorg2 hahaha.
biasa lar aku pnh rosakn hidup seseorg dulu xkn nk roskn lg.jln terbaik ialah pergi:D
kite xbley memakse dri org untuk mencintai kite :D
kaum hawa ini pelik ,setiap seorng mempunyai pemikiran yg lain2 untuk susah kite phm.
mereka kaum yg sensitif,xske dikonkong,xske d mara,dan ske di tengking.
sape suke?semua org xske cmtuu.
so berhenti lar nk wt semua tuu kat org lain.kan da nyesal :D
xde owg yg sempurna,jika rase sedih tuu .pejamkan lar mata dan tarik nafas pnjng2 ingt yg walaupon kita disakiti arini xsemestinya besok kite akn disakiti.mungkin die bukan yg terbaik yg dpt bersama kite melalui sisa baki kehidupan.
kalau jumpe seseorg yg brciri2 cm ni jage die elok2:1.seseorg yg bersama mase kite menangis atau kesushn.2.seseorg yg xtinglkn kite hnye sbb bnde kecil.3.seseorg yg memgang erat tngn kite seolah2 dunia akn berakhir.4.org yg selalu memberi smngt.5.org yg selalu bersabar dngn sikap kite.6.seseorng yg serasi dngn kite.7.seseorg yg xpernah ambil kira tntng keburukn kite,dan sngp terima dngn tngn yg terbuka.8.sngup berbuat ape saje demi keselamtn kite.9.org yg cygkn kite tp die tidak meluahkn pada kite,tetapi dlm hti kite taw.dan10.yg paling peting.org itu xkn mensia2kn kite atau pn hubngn,dan selalu berfikiran matng apabila hbngn buntu die akn selalu menlindunginya daripda hancur.
itu ciri2 cinta sejati dan teman abadi.
percayalar if kite sakiti atau menykitkn org yg cyg kat kite,stu hari nanti kite akn mersa lbih daripda ape org tu rase skrg :D
semoga kite hargai owg di depan mata dn jnglar terhegeh2 bile die da xde kt dunia ni bru menangis dan tercari2,mse die ade kite asyik skitkn die je dngn cre atau perwatakan die.
matngkn lah diri kite .pkir same care die berpikir.dan jng terlalu EGO ataupon mementingkan diri kite je.
kite xkn suka di penhujung hayat kite nanti kita akn merintihi ape yg kite da wt kat die mse dulu.terima kekurgn die kerana dlm hidup ni semua org ade bwt slh n xde pn org yg sempurna.mungkin kite ade sbb sndiri kerana ape kite lakukn semua tuu.
pengorbanan memainkn pernan yg penting untuk kebhgian hbngn,mmg seksa bile menglh tp itular jln terbaik .
ucapknlar selamat tinggal kalau btol kite nk tngok die bhgia ngn org tuu.
jng pernah toleh sb kite mesti xnk die taw yg kite ni lemah dan berat untuk melepaskn die.
break your ego and start to grab it will you can,or u will crying at the end of days for leting it go..
kissing in a relationship:D

- What a kiss means in a relationship? .actually read the whole thing coz it’s nice
Kiss on the stomach = I’m ready - Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever"
- Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
- Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
- Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
- Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together"
- Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
- Kiss on the Lips = I love you"
What the gesture means... - Holding Hands = "we definitely love each other"
- Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
- Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go"
- Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain love you"
- Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
- Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go"
- Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"
*Advice + Don’t ask for a kiss, take one. +If you were thinking about someone while reading this, You’re definitely in Love.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
kemunculan pertama :)
tp pkol 10.25pg evnt aku start aku separuh akhir 6 lorong 8.
aku berjumpe balik ngn adik2 junior aku mse kt b.j dulu.
wah ramai gak kwn2 lame yg dtg dri b.j ingtlg dieorg sme bach ngn aku b.j 2006 form1.ade ajmal,fahmi.rmai lar lg.aku pn ade stngh da lupe name?junior2pn ingt lg aku nsb baik xsmbng ngn aku:D
aku jumpe blik kwn2 lame mssm 2005-2007 n dak2 bj.zhfran bdak 110m melake pemng pingt emas mssm 2007,sczuan melaka 200m,400m johan mssm n olahragawan psn2008.farid bdak bru nk blaja tp pesaing terkuat aku mase pndh ge melake nanti!
cuak belayar2 di hati aku semase strting,sial reff mcm bodo kegarisan lame sial.nmpknye bkn aku sorg je yg xthn .last2 ade sorg bdak b.j wt false-start.
ref tuu pn suro kiteorg bngon,die ckp "amrn kpada lorng no.2 dan amrn kepada semua"sekali lg keslhn anda akn di keluakn.
aku dng persaan goyang nye berlari smpai kat hujung emmm.kaki pn mcm nk xnk lari tp aku xrase mcm aku all outpn.garisan penamat ku fight finishng pale,adui sape suro aku pndk sngt.aku no.3!
starting lmbt! xpe is okelar first competition slpas injirdy n long resT!
tngok elctonok time aku clock 12.2s sial cm pompuan lari dow!
handtime aku clock 11.61s..jauh dri record yg aku wt taun sudah u15 11.3s..
ptngtuu aku xmsk final pn.tp farid ngn jambu msk final.ptg final.jmbu no4 senior.singapore no 1.2. sial laju dowh!farid dpt no2 junior u19! aku plak sakit pongong aku smpai skrg!xlari pn ptng tuu.
hehehe.so aku duduk je tngok sorng bdak b.j ni name die nadya! perh comelnye bru form 1 da main lompat jauh untuk malaysia.die asl dri kedah!
sumpah comel.tp aku skdr tgor2 cmtu je.dy pn snyom je.die sorg yg mcm malu2 tp cm comel je stip grak geri die,hehehhe.tp cm bajet pon ade.aku,jambu.apan asyhk gado je hahaha.melawak lar konon si ndya 2 kirim slm lar,mintak kpl lar msng2 saiko je.hahaha cam bodo je!
mse penutop hbs aku lpk lar luar ngn bdak b.j n melaka.
kite owg smnbng pasal dulu2 kt b.j hahahah.
nakal sial ari pertama da kne keja ngn pak guard asrama sne!
hahahah.bdak2 lg mse tuu form1.wah ajmal skrg da jd star dulu langoi2 je duk tido sblah aku,zhaf pn sme.ajmal skrg pegang record malaysia u18 110m pagar sial!
si kembar husna&husni pn dtg xsngke da msk b.j gak!
ramai lar gak kwn2 lame bj n mssm x jumpe!
semua ckp if aku xkuar b.j skrg enth2 da slh sorg dri dieorg skrg!
hahaha xnyesal pn aku kuar b.j dulu!mase duduk luar tu.coach melaka cik fuad tnye,umor aku.die kate aku pndk skit hahaha.tp xpe bleh diperbaiki?die tnye btol ke nk pg melaka aku ckp dlm rncngn tp aku da jnji ngn jambu semua nk pindah n nk ckupkn quated mssm melaka taun dpn!
hemm.tp aku da pkir msk2 da lps smbng ngn farid,jmbu,ngn apan dlm 2ari ni kompom da nk pindah melake.coach sne pn da bg lmpu ijau nk train aku.
skrg tngl perbncngn ngn abh ngn mama je.die suro pkir msk2 dulu btol ke nk pg?
hemm.bg aku .daku da fadup kat ipoh ni,aku da fadup ngn gunung rapat.aku xnk trus stay kt sni.bgos gak aku pndh ge melaka sekurg2nye ade org hargai n bg smngt kat aku,ade coach lg.skrg kptosan aku muktmad nk pindh.tp xtawlar cm mane!aku nk sngt lari blik past tngok zabidi ngn latip nyat lari td,tngok kwn2 bj lame2 yg skrg pgng record mssm.smngt tuu msh membuak2 nk trning n nk beat dieorg! tngu2! aku dtg heheh!dush2!
goodbye gr ..helo melaka!
lgpon ini untuk seseorg,slmt berbahagia tnpe aku :D
Thursday, July 16, 2009
good bye LOVE.
sebelom papepn sory for everythng i have done.
i ade pengakuan yg nk di buat di sini,after we lost contact i always stalk on u.
u r myspace,waiting for your blog to update to know more about u.always at the same moment i wait ur msg n waiting u to come bck like before and teling me the same word u alwys tell me,i miss ur morning scream and wakeup call tht say"good morning cyg"to me.
time past very fast when we are far away.
sory again i never wnt to c u angry or cry to other people,i alwys wnt to ask u?r u oke dear?
but perhaps is ends here now.thx to them i'm totally giving up to u now.
but for me u are the person i love forever. is true.the felling never change.dulu,kini dan seterusnya.
if ade terkutuk blkng,ckp bad thngs or u dngr papepn dri org tdoh i bkn2 or papeje caye jelar oke.
dngr ckp org dri cye kt i.
hemm.but i swear i never talk bad about u walaupon kite da breakoff n xdepapepn hbngn.
kalau xde die mungkin i xtaw bnde yg wt i jd kecewa n give smpai mcmni.
tp terima kasih gak pd makhluk tuhan ni yg slmtkn smgt i dri jato ke bumi,i sumpah if stu ari nanti i berjaya i akn berterima kasih pd org ni sb telah mengajar n nasihat i arini. thx for the motivation from u.i da strt train blik da sb die!
from now on,forget this memories:
- first kiss
- first date
- our laugh
- dating
- movie
- paris
- mcd
- cadbury
- joking
- cry
- super saver
- pmr
- lestik
- mumu
- photo
- love word
- pet shop
- puasa
- hari sukan
- bbq
- hospital
- anysary
- m.p
- umah makcik
- 2010
- 1211
- 1803
- raya
- love song
- tulis2
- ur drawing
- tumbuk2
- hug
- rm2.93 sen
- bangku j.j
- nyanyi sme2
- jln2 sme2
- watchng u train
- ur no 1 fans
- kenny roger
- u mobile!
- w800i
- i'm not single
- cemburu2
- merajok
- konkong
- rufaqa
sory k,coz ur time with me is more painfull thn ur hapy day.now u are free hope that u will hapy with him.i taw i xpnh pn bg u bhgia dlm hbngn kite,i taw khdran i bnyk bg u kecewa n cdy thx sb u besbr ngn i.n mybe dulu i xmtng lg.sbtuu mcm tuu.i know some times u lie u have ur own reason tp i xpnh nk phm u.so now i hope tht die lar org yg plng memahami u girl.T.T
ingtlg eiffel i'm in love?u ckp u ske sngt cite nie.mule2 i xphm cite die.tp lps tuu i tngok dan phm blik.sbrnye tita putus ngn ergi ade sbb?dan apebile adit dtg dlm idup tita die xpnh pn ambk taw pasal adit tp bile lame kelamaan perasaan bnci tuu terus bertukar menjadi cyg,the best part is mase adit tumbok ergi sb ergi main kayu tiga ngn tita n mase dieorg kat bwh eiffel mase tuu valentime diner ingt dieorg mkn mcd,double chese burger.coklat shake n fries. i hope u still love eiffel movie.
ingt satuje jnglah nagis2 da,nanti da x comel da.u kn kuat.truskn usaha u k,next year sukma n asian school.good bye cinta pasni maybe i will go far away from u.my coach da cll wife die in jb mybe taun ni atau taun dpn i will be leaving tp mungkin xjd kowt.we just wait n say je.is no more wait for u song.i hope no matter who u with he is the one tha alwys make u laught n not like me that alwys kongkong idup u n minx yg bukan2 je.sory for everythng betwen u and me da xde pape da.i wnt u to know is hard for me to leting u go coz i rili2 love u.n this is the last from me for u.i alwys tell u tht i akn korbnkn segale2nyhe hnye tok tngok u ketawa.tp skrg da berubh i dapt lihat rmai yg mampu melakukn nye.u can stnd witout me girl.:D snyuman ni i nak adiahkn kat u supaya u xkn pernah cdy lg.lpasje arini i bley tdo ngn nynyak da.sb i taw u gembira.i alwys wnt to msg u n cll u to talk whn i m sad.sometime whn i m crying xtaw sape lg yg ade.tp i just cn remember u no coz i dont have ur no.thx sb bwg no lame tuu.is our memories dear.da pnt sngtni d 5ari berturut2 tito pkol 3 ke ats.
from now on i will focssing in olahraga n study 100% sumpa!i wnt my parent to be proud at me n xnk lg jd owg yg bermslh.thx for everythng dear.xtaw nk ckppe da sbnrnye mase mule2 nk tulis blog ni mcm2 nk ckp tp xtaw nk tulis pe,ni pn blom tntu u bce.but thx k.iloveu.good bye cinta.knowing u is the best part of my life.n to loving u is the best memories ever hapen in my lifetime.good bye (T.T)
smpai sini je.i hope that u are hapy alwys thts is my pray for u everyday.jage diri elok2 hope die jage u elok2 xmcm i.pkir dulu if nk wtpape,ths wht u teach me.thx good bye now. bukan diriku..
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
dulu,kini dan seterusnya.
setip org mesti ade kisah suka duka tersendiri,msti ade rahsia yg kite xnk sngt or lain tau selain diri kite,dunia xpnh adil pd kite.bkn semua org yg boleh dipercayai kat dunia ni.
enthlar.aku xtaw ape tujuan aku sbnrnye?idop da mcm xtentu arah je skrg.aku da lupe ke janji aku?pegangn idup aku?aku ingtlg aku pnh janji dngn seseorg,walaupepn jd kat duniani sme ade sedih atau gembira,aku xkn penah putos ase .walaupon mase memisahkn aku,tp smngt yg aku ade smpai bile pn xkn ilang.
biar lar org xphm aku.biarlar tipa2 ari aku termenung sorng2 .aslkn aku taw ape yg ati aku pikirkn.mungkin sushlar aku nk bngon blik,dlm tempoh nk dkt sthun injurd mcm2 aku da lalui,bnyk sngt game yg aku da terlepas,kdng2 bile duduk sorg kat trek aku sedey sngt.
champ msspk2008,rngking ke2 mssm,litle athltic,asean school,circuit,open?
tau ni,aku xrase pn ade yg ambk berat pasal aku,skola?lg mcm bodo?mmg aku ngku aku rahsia kn yg aku injurd dri cikgu n kebnykn kwn2.hemm,
aku pnh dpt amarn aku akn diberirehat 6bulan lpas game?
secnd opration aku xbwtlg?sb tuu akn mkn 9bulan untuk pulih lgpn kos die rm3500.hemmm.
mcm2 lg aku nk pkir,
aku da xhepi stay kat gr?sjak coach blik rusia,cikgu khairudin n nor husien pindah.sjak ptos?
aku xatw nk ngadu kat sape?
dulu ade die,emm.ade fatin,ade coach.skrg2 nye if ade game ,if cdy,if skit diorg ade?tp skrg,xubh mcm aku idop sorng2?
aku nk sngt simpn adiah ni untk die,aku nk sngt bersme di.aku nk sngt pancutan bunga api tuu bkn pancutan bunga api perpisahan tok aku ngn die.
aku xnk rase putos ase je.
aku rindu khdpn yg dulu?
aku nk sngt blik ats trek dn bkn hanye jd org xpntg dlm squad?
hemm.can still do it?
aku cbe belajar erti kesbrn,tp knpe semua nye msti aku je yg kne?
mcm xadil je suratan takdir aku ni?
can i still be the one?
bgosalr semua berubh?kite da xknl stu sme lain.
jauh sngt da dri kite yg dulu?
yg slalu hbskn mse bersame?
u the reason i'm tryng.
enthlar.xde confident da,aku ingtlg mse tuu 200m semi final, aku goyang sngt hemm.mse starting aku kne tngl,aku ingt da xley keajar da, aku kne tingal,lpas je curve 120m aku dngr rmai org sorak name aku?hemm.itular penybab smng aku ,aku pkir yg die ade kt finish line.emm.last 60m aku leading.mcm xpercaya aku mng.hemm.
itular kngn plng manis semua org bersorak tok aku?
adelg mssd taun ni,aku lari final top8,walaupon aku xmng dpt no4 je,semua finalist plok aku,dieorg ckp kiteorg skong kaw untk naik blik?nsib baik ade dieorg myokng aku.
thx alot.
itular pencetusa aku kejar
Sunday, July 5, 2009
time change.

Saturday, July 4, 2009
xingt ke pae die bwt mase mule2 3ari sblom br8?
mase ambk result pmr?mse2 kpl lg die bwt xtaw je kat kau?
kaw plak cm bdak bodo je merayu2 kat kaki die?mane pg maruah kaw?
ade lg mase kaw slalu msg pujuk die supaya jng pergi ape die bwt?
ade die reply kew?enth2 die gelak dngn kebodohan kaw merayu2 kt die?
mase bru bukak skolah kaw xckp pn ngn die?thn mase blik kaw bg die surat n tpp kat die?ade
msg kaw?pengujung keesokkan harinye die bg surat thn die tpp blik kat kaw?
kaw je bodo yg percaya yg die msh die ,dan die pkir perasaan kaw?
kaw jelar slalu nk jage ati die tp die?die bwng kaw mcm smph kowt lpas di janji mcm2 kt kaw?
mase birthday kaw,kaw tngu die msg kaw?tp pkol bpe bru die msg kaw?1 lbh?lwk..
kaw ni bodo sngt,pg cl die bwtpe?
kaw pn taw ,kaw pn nmpak die lg bhgia n hapy tnpe kaw?xpyhlar kaw pgng lg bnde yg die ckp die xbley hidup tnpe kaw?
kaw bodo sb msh tngu die?
mase kaw nangis ade die kat sisi kaw,mase kaw btol keseorngn n sedey ade kew dia kt sisi kaw?
ad ke die mase kaw skit?
xde,enyh2 die tngh bergembira sdngkn kaw tngh sedey n sakit yg amat2 kat sini.
kaw pkirlar smpai ble die nk dngn ego die?
die msti tngh suke ble kaw terhegeh2 kat die.
sdngkn die xpkirpn pasal kaw?
mase kaw btol2 kehilngn smngt taun ni untuk berlari ade kew die naikn smngt kaw?
xdekn?die tnglkn kaw n bwt xtawlg ad larkn?
sudahlar die xpnh pn cyg n pkir pasal kaw skrg?
kaw bodo.ngaku jela yg die sbrnye xnk pn besme kaw sb tu die lg sngup cri org bru untk ganti kaw ,walaupn setelah apw yg kaw lalui dngn die sekian lame?
aku xyakinlg pada diri aku bahawa die seseorg yg aku kenal/
sumpah selama ni aku xpnh cube sakiti die dan cube yg terbaik untuk bahagia kn die?
walaupn kdng2 cre aku xbtol.
kaw percayalar yg skrgni kaw tngh demam panas ,bru lpas mengis n lbh teruk besok game kaw?
ape die ngh wt?enth2 die tngh bersuka ria dngn penganti kaw tu,
dalar jnglar tunjuk yg kaw jelez sb kaw btol2 xdpt lupekan die.
dngrlar ckp:syera,afy,shasha,mama,
die xpnh pn ingtkat kaw?
if die seseorg manusia yg pkirkn perasaan org lain dan cinta yg kiteorg pnh bina die xkn pergi mcm tu dan biarkn kaw ngis sorg2,
terima jelar tiap kali die yg akn bwng kaw dan skitkn kaw,
sumpah smpai skrg aku msh sedey,kecewa n terkilan ape yg berlaku.
bnde2 yg die bwt kat aku semua rase mcm smlm bru terjadi,
aku xtaw smpai bile kau bleh berthn berda di sekeliling die dng ape yg aku tngok n dngr depan mate aku.
aku xtaw smpai bile aku nk biar diri aku terluka dngn ape yg aku terima..
aku xpnh pn mainkn perasaan org n cinta owg nape ni yg aku dpt?
hemm.skrg pkol 2pg bsok pkol 6pg nk lari hemm.
deman panas xlrt nk lari,aku xde smgt nk bwtpapepn.
yg aku taw cdy tmbh2 lg ape yg aku dngr diri dieorg.
hemm.xtaw ape nk aku ckplg.hati aku spe je yg taw ape yg aku rase dngn perbuatn die.
terima kasih bnyk2.
aku mmg bodo sb menungu benda yg hanya memporbodohkn diri aku!
terima kasih,selamat mlm.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
i wish i'm the Devil Beside You:)

is insane wht i fell about u every day when i look at ur face n ur picture.i'm missing u damn much,no word can descripe what i fell now,
what i want from u is:trust,strong and enduring feeling,
even if it's a lie,
i wish what u really wanted to tell me is that the upcoming separation is for our future,
and i hear from ur gently lips that u have the same feeling that i always have on u, even we are far a part with our life without each other now,the truth is u always love n mising me for every single thing that u do,
and i will tell u that,
if u meet someone and wanted to be with him,letme love you in vain,it's fine.
because i have a feeling for the rest of my life that i'll love only you.
and thats the only truth and the only thing i do for you,
i'll wait for you.
i always cry behind u n never show it to u bcoz i don't want to show my weekness to you,
i always to try my best to be a men n be strong leaving without you,but i still can forget your face.
ur voice just playing in my head just like a tape recorder.I still feel your touch in my dreams.Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why.Without you it's hard to survive
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly.Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.Need you by my side.Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static.And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.Can't you hear my heart beat so.I can't let you go.Want you in my life.Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky.They wipe away tears that I cry.The good and the bad times, we've been through them all.You make me rise when I fall.
for now i see it with my eyes that boys is the one u love tottly more thn me ,n he's the reason that u are happy n forgerting me now.
i hope the box of memry still remain in ur head and it always be there for me to say that :
ilove and i missing u damn much.
today all i think is u coz u are far from my eyes here n when u are far from me,i always woried n thnking wht r u doing,n who r u with.
i know u never needed my care anymore,and mostly u never needed my love or my judgement about my felling about u from me,
but the only thing i want to tell u every night before my eyes closed is,
i always love n proud with u n what u are,
loveing u is the best thng ever hapen in my life,
hope that u are hapy with him now,
i'm always here if U are crying.
i always waiting for my cellfone to ring and the screen writed your name.
i always wanted to touch your softt hand and kissing gently your both palm.
i always want to be that person that u alwys missing n thinking about all night long before
u sleep,
i llways wnt to be the last voice in u head before the night chnge to morning,
and the first want to say goog morning to u,
i'm always waiting for u to say hai to me,
and watching me with your broken smile.
i'm always waiting you to watch the orian star with me.
i'm always miss to be that devil beside you.
take care :)
i rily2 mis u now i swear.
your the only want i need arest of my life.
but,the truth is i never be with u again because u alredy loveing some one else more than ME.
good nyte dear. iloveuFOREVER.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009
malam yang indah:)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
standing on my foot:)
i gone to kedah on the lastday before she gone bck here . n that night i m thinking about her.emm.but is this felling still real.lately many thng that i read n saw about her?
i dont rili know do i know her anymore or do her know me anymore? hemm.i m skiping super. but i still will be at the stadium to suport theme .the open ceremony is to lame,nothng coll thning.they kipt ask the same question:x main super kew? n my answer tottaly: da cct xley main..emm.
quite some time she is gone now,not even a msg or call.i know now she is not here anymore? congrats again u in metro harian! ths nice.
i alwys wnt to be that person the u remember the most n i thnk is to late now?u forget me tottaly.wt a lame life here now?nothng to do,n nothng to share.
i miss te joy,i miss trck.so long my feet dint touch the ruber trck! i miss it damn much!
but mybe this the time i find your reserve,bcoz looks like u find someone to stnd on my place now?
woow! he is good the same hooby n game lover like u?i m not,i m just some runer tht u never understnd wht m i to be.but lately i thnk alot about you,n my small heart tell me tht i do miss u alot,even i say u are selffish.
i hope tht u are just find with her.
and i hope u rili love him more thn me.
good luck for your game!
i wnt to tell u somethng,u r right i never understnd u,n i never be a girl to understnd u.
last love for u gud luck for ur game.
hope u rili forget me now!
bcoz u never know me again..
bintnag1211 feat.mumu.
mumu mis u alot she tell me,to sent u a regrat..
havefun.gud luck gurl..